February 10, 2025 - Shevat 12, 5785 (EDT)
Daily and weekly learning programs that include studies in Torah, Tanakh, Zohar, Tanya, Talmud and Halakha (Jewish Law).
We offer a weekly and daily Torah study schedule like this one, but for Noahides. Click to get started!
Lesson | Source |
Torah Parashat 1 YEAR | Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23) The Parashat is the weekly division of the Torah into 54 portions, read in over the course of a year. Each portion is read on Shabbat, ensuring the entire Torah is read annually. This program deepens engagement with the Torah and fosters reflection on its teachings in sync with the Jewish calendar. External Links: Sefaria |
Tanakh Haftarah 1 YEAR | Sephardim: Isaiah 6:1-13 | The Haftarah is a series of selections from the books of Nevi'im from the Tanakh and it is customary to read weekly, following the Torah Parashat reading. External Links: Sefaria |
Lesson | Source |
Torah Parashat 1 YEAR | Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23) The Parashat is the weekly division of the Torah into 54 portions, read in over the course of a year. Each portion is read on Shabbat, ensuring the entire Torah is read annually. This program deepens engagement with the Torah and fosters reflection on its teachings in sync with the Jewish calendar. External Links: Sefaria |
Tanakh Haftarah 1 YEAR | Sephardim: Isaiah 6:1-13 | The Haftarah is a series of selections from the books of Nevi'im from the Tanakh and it is customary to read weekly, following the Torah Parashat reading. External Links: Sefaria |
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Zohar HaKadosh 1 YEAR | Yitro Vol 2, 67a - 94a The Holy Zohar, a foundational work of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. Includes commentary on mystical aspects of the Chumash, scriptural interpretations, and material on mysticism, such as: cosmogony and psychology. External Links: Sefaria |
Likkutei Sichos 1 YEAR | Yitro Vol 2, p.81a - p.94d | Likkutei Sichos, an anthology of talks by relating to the weekly sections of the Torah and special occassions in the Jewish calender. This 10 book series was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson (of blessed memory). External Links: Amazon |
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Zohar HaKadosh 1 YEAR | Yitro Vol 2, 67a - 94a The Holy Zohar, a foundational work of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. Includes commentary on mystical aspects of the Chumash, scriptural interpretations, and material on mysticism, such as: cosmogony and psychology. External Links: Sefaria |
Likkutei Sichos 1 YEAR | Yitro Vol 2, p.81a - p.94d | Likkutei Sichos, an anthology of talks by relating to the weekly sections of the Torah and special occassions in the Jewish calender. This 10 book series was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson (of blessed memory). External Links: Amazon |
Daf a Week 52 YEARS | Talmud, A learning program that covers a page of Talmud a week. By going at a slower pace, it facilitates greater mastery and retention. External Links: Sefaria |
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Aliyot 7 DAY | Exodus 18:13-18:23 The Daily Aliyot, makes Torah study easier, one aliyah at a time. Each day of the week, we study one of seven portions of the weekly Torah Parashat. External Links: Sefaria |
Mishlei 1 MONTH | Proverbs 12 A learning program that covers one chapter a day from the 31 chapters of Proverbs, completing the book of Proverbs once a month. External Links: Sefaria |
Tehillim 1 MONTH | Psalms 66-68 A learning program that covers several chapters a day from the 150 chapters of Psalms, completing the book of Psalms once a month. External Links: Sefaria |
Tehillim 1 WEEK | Psalms 30-50 A learning program that covers several chapters a day from the 150 chapters of Psalms, completing the book of Psalms once a week. External Links: Sefaria |
TANYA 1 YEAR | Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 23 Tanya is the central text of Chassidus. It shows the reader a path to realizing their purpose and developing a deeper relationship with G-d. External Links: Chabad |
MITZVOT 1 YEAR | Sefer HaMitzvot, Negative Commandment 317; Positive Commandment 178 A learning program that divides Sefer HaMitzvot (hundreds of chapters) describing the laws mentioned in the Torah, to complete the whole work in one year. External Links: Chabad |
Daf Yomi 7.5 YEAR | Talmud, Sanhedrin 55 A learning program that covers a page of Talmud a day. In this way, the entire Talmud is completed in about seven and a half years. External Links: Sefaria |
MISHNAH 6 YEAR | Mishnah Shevuot 1:2-3 A program of daily learning in which participants study two Mishnahs (teachings) each day in order to finish the entire Mishnah in six years. External Links: Sefaria |
RAMBAM 3 YEAR | Mishneh Torah, Other Sources of Defilement 11 (She'ar Avot haTum'ah 11) A learning program that divides Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah legal code into daily units, to complete the whole work in three years. External Links: Chabad, Sefaria |
RAMBAM 1 YEAR | Mishneh Torah, Testimony 1 (Sanhedrin veha’Onashin haMesurin lahem 25, Sanhedrin veha’Onashin haMesurin lahem 26, Edut 1) A learning program that divides Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah legal code into daily units, to complete the whole work in one year. External Links: Chabad, Sefaria |
SHULCHAN ARUKH 4 YEAR | Kitzur Shulchan Arukh 188:5-189:4 A four year daily learning program in which participants study central legal texts that cover most of the daily and yearly rituals. Compiled in the 16th century by Rabbi Yosef Karo, it is a condensed and simplified version of the Beit Yosef. External Links: Sefaria |
ARUKH HASHULCHAN 4 YEAR | Arukh HaShulchan, Choshen Mishpat 427:10-11 A four-year daily learning program covering ritual halakhot, practical kashrut and interpersonal mitzvot within Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epsteins legal code. External Links: Sefaria |
TANAKH YOMI 1 YEAR | Kings Seder 31, II Kings 19:19-20:7 A daily learning cycle for completing Tanakh annually. On Shabbat, each Torah portion is recited. On weekdays, Prophets and Writings are recited according to the ancient Masoretic division of sedarim. External Links: Sefaria |
TANAKH 929 3.5 YEAR | Job 40 A learning program in which participants study five of the Bible’s 929 chapters a week, completing it in about three and a half years. External Links: Sefaria |
Lesson | Source |
Aliyot 7 DAY | Exodus 18:13-18:23 The Daily Aliyot, makes Torah study easier, one aliyah at a time. Each day of the week, we study one of seven portions of the weekly Torah Parashat. External Links: Sefaria |
Mishlei 1 MONTH | Proverbs 12 A learning program that covers one chapter a day from the 31 chapters of Proverbs, completing the book of Proverbs once a month. External Links: Sefaria |
Tehillim 1 MONTH | Psalms 66-68 A learning program that covers several chapters a day from the 150 chapters of Psalms, completing the book of Psalms once a month. External Links: Sefaria |
Tehillim 1 WEEK | Psalms 30-50 A learning program that covers several chapters a day from the 150 chapters of Psalms, completing the book of Psalms once a week. External Links: Sefaria |
TANYA 1 YEAR | Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 23 Tanya is the central text of Chassidus. It shows the reader a path to realizing their purpose and developing a deeper relationship with G-d. External Links: Chabad |
MITZVOT 1 YEAR | Sefer HaMitzvot, Negative Commandment 317; Positive Commandment 178 A learning program that divides Sefer HaMitzvot (hundreds of chapters) describing the laws mentioned in the Torah, to complete the whole work in one year. External Links: Chabad |
Daf Yomi 7.5 YEAR | Talmud, Sanhedrin 55 A learning program that covers a page of Talmud a day. In this way, the entire Talmud is completed in about seven and a half years. External Links: Sefaria |
MISHNAH 6 YEAR | Mishnah Shevuot 1:2-3 A program of daily learning in which participants study two Mishnahs (teachings) each day in order to finish the entire Mishnah in six years. External Links: Sefaria |
RAMBAM 3 YEAR | Mishneh Torah, Other Sources of Defilement 11 (She'ar Avot haTum'ah 11) A learning program that divides Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah legal code into daily units, to complete the whole work in three years. External Links: Chabad, Sefaria |
RAMBAM 1 YEAR | Mishneh Torah, Testimony 1 (Sanhedrin veha’Onashin haMesurin lahem 25, Sanhedrin veha’Onashin haMesurin lahem 26, Edut 1) A learning program that divides Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah legal code into daily units, to complete the whole work in one year. External Links: Chabad, Sefaria |
SHULCHAN ARUKH 4 YEAR | Kitzur Shulchan Arukh 188:5-189:4 A four year daily learning program in which participants study central legal texts that cover most of the daily and yearly rituals. Compiled in the 16th century by Rabbi Yosef Karo, it is a condensed and simplified version of the Beit Yosef. External Links: Sefaria |
ARUKH HASHULCHAN 4 YEAR | Arukh HaShulchan, Choshen Mishpat 427:10-11 A four-year daily learning program covering ritual halakhot, practical kashrut and interpersonal mitzvot within Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epsteins legal code. External Links: Sefaria |
TANAKH YOMI 1 YEAR | A daily learning cycle for completing Tanakh annually. On Shabbat, each Torah portion is recited. On weekdays, Prophets and Writings are recited according to the ancient Masoretic division of sedarim. External Links: Sefaria |
TANAKH 929 3.5 YEAR | Job 40 A learning program in which participants study five of the Bible’s 929 chapters a week, completing it in about three and a half years. External Links: Sefaria |